CED Ability Grand Rounds- Disability and Employment: Stigma, Empowerment, Identity and the Need for a Positive Lens

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 14 at 2 p.m., presenter Sophie Hennekam, PhD, will discuss under which circumstances a disability quota system can empower disabled workers; review how disabled workers come to construct a positive professional identity at work; and discuss and analyze how mental illness can be a positive attribute in the context of work.

Sophie Hennekam, PhD
Associate Professor, ESC La Rochelle School of Business, France

Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss under which circumstances a disability quota system can empower disabled workers.
  2. Review how disabled workers come to construct a positive professional identity at work.
  3. Discuss and analyze how mental illness can be a positive attribute in the context of work.

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